Data Request - Step-by-Step Process

Permission is required from Data Stewards prior to data sharing.
Note: an initial inquiry to the Data Steward(s) describing the project is requested before the DUR form is sent.

Data User (Local Functional User)

1. Downloads DUR form from website

2. If needed, initiates discussion with the Data Custodian (Functional Business Analyst) in the source department that controls the database containing the requested data to assist with DUR responses

3. Completes DUR

4. Signs and saves a copy of the DUR. For more information on how to sign this form, visit Digital IDs FAQ

5. Sends signed DUR to each Data Steward (who controls data that is being requested) with a CC to

Data Steward

1. Reviews DUR

2. Resolves questions with Data User as needed

3. Determines approval/disapproval

1. If approved: signs and saves DUR and sends to Data User/Requester with a CC to

2. If denied: informs submitter with a CC to Process ends.

If DUR is approved by Data Steward

Data User (Local Functional User)

1. Informs source Data Custodian (or designated role) of project requirements

2. Forwards signed/approved DURs to source Data Custodian

Data Custodian (Source Business Analyst)

1. Reviews governance policy, contacts IT Liaison as needed per governance procedures.

2. Discusses project requirements with Data User

3. Conducts internal departmental meetings to determine resources for data feed

4. Informs Data User of implementation schedule